Download the Givling App (my invite code is VS304467).
Please check out Givling's Facebook page for more info on how it works. They have all kinds of ways to win cash!
You can try and win the random $10,000 drawing (happens every time the $50k is funded). To qualify, You have to do at least 10 FreePlay games in a rolling 30 day period.
You can also help crowdfund somebody's student loan, mortgage payment, or retirement account by watching the ads or completing sponsor offers.
*There are 30 ads per day, and you receive queue points for each spin (number you landed on times 15. First spin of "1" gives you a coin to use for a trivia game.
*Sponsor offers help by injecting cash into the funding bar.
*For some partners, you can receive queue points after you forward your emailed receipt and Givling ID to
*The more queue points you receive, the higher in the queue you will be, and closer to winning $50,000!